Privacy Policy​


2CX SERVICES LTDA (“2CX’), values ​​privacy and is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law and other laws on the subject, as well as describing how your privacy is protected when collecting, processing, storing and disposing of your personal information.

2CX is committed to transparency for its customers, consumers and visitors to its website (, the information collected is used for the best browsing experience and use of its solutions. This privacy policy aims to clarify the use of information.

2CX has internal policies with its missions and values, designed with the aim of guiding and portraying the priority values, always aiming for ethical performance by all its employees.

Users of the 2CX website are aware that they provide information voluntarily by accepting cookies, filling out and sending forms and sending resumes.

When users fill out forms on the 2CX website, personal data requested is kept confidential and will only be used for the purpose that motivated the submission, without being shared with third parties, other than those mentioned in this policy. However, subject to the right to, if necessary, or required fiscally, judicially or administratively by government authorities, the data will be provided to comply with legislation.

2CX only processes personal data in situations where it is legally authorized or with the express and unequivocal consent of users, with processing compatible with the purpose for which the data was shared.

This Policy aims to record the free, informed and unequivocal expression of your agreement with the processing of your personal data for the specific purpose(s) described in this Policy, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations ( LGPD).

2CX will process personal data, after the user’s consent, for the purposes described below:

Promotional actions: personal information is requested when registering on our website, in which the user expresses the desire to learn about our solutions, participate in possible sweepstakes and promotional actions;

Contact with the customer: personal information is requested when the customer expresses an interest in receiving commercial contact;

Marketing actions: 2CX may send exclusive content, with the sole purpose of presenting first-hand the latest developments in its solutions.

Our commitment: 2CX will never share, disclose, sell, or use any other treatment, other than those presented in this policy, although it may share the personal information contained in its database with other companies in its economic group, service providers services or business partners, as long as it is for the execution of contractual activities, if there is the consent of the holder or the legitimate interest of 2CX and the information is relevant to enable and/or improve products and services to users and is protected and protected by those who received them.

Data collected: Personal information collected and reported by the user is: Name, email, company, sector, position, resume, telephone number and CPF.

Data protection: Personal information processed by 2CX is protected by physical, technical and organizational security measures to reduce the risk of loss, misuse and unauthorized access. When you visit the website ( cookies are collected.

What are cookies?

These are text files stored in the browser when using the internet. They are used to collect, store and share data on activities carried out while browsing internet pages. It also allows you to remember previous experiences and customizations, applied on the 2CX page, among which may be the choice of language. Two types of session cookies can be used: they are valid only as long as the browser remains open, and persistent cookies, which remain stored in the browser for a longer period of time. Session cookies are used to identify the user during their visits to the 2CX website, while persistent cookies are used when it is necessary to identify the user for a longer period.

How to disable them

Most Internet browsers already have settings to automatically accept cookies. The portal does not automatically collect cookies, so you can adjust the settings and cookies as desired.

Third-party websites and applications

The security and confidentiality of our customers’ personal information are of utmost importance. In some cases, some services are provided through third-party services, which involves sharing some of the information provided at the time of registration:

a) Business partners: Service provider companies that help improve our services. Examples of suppliers are: email servers, hosting server and creation of marketing actions.

b) Judicial request. However, our privacy policy does not apply to third-party websites, so if you visit another website from ours, you should read its privacy policy.

We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content on these sites. Below are links to the Privacy Policy of third-party service providers used on our website:

• RD Station:

How long will 2CX store data?

2CX will keep the personal data collected only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it, including for the purposes of complying with any legal, contractual obligations, or requests from competent authorities.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for processing the personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

If data is collected through vacancies available through the “Work with us” link on this website, your data will remain archived in the 2CX database for up to 12 months.

Rights of holders

2CX offers holders of personal data the options of deleting, altering, correcting, restricting or portability of their data, simply by contacting us via email:

Although 2CX uses security measures and monitors its systems to check for vulnerabilities and attacks to protect your personal data against unauthorized disclosure, misuse or alteration, the user understands and agrees that there are no guarantees that the information will not be accessed, disclosed , altered or destroyed by violation of any of the physical, technical or administrative protections.

Changes to Privacy Policy and contact

Updates to this policy will be made available at the internet address:, it is recommended, whenever possible, to review this policy. If you have any questions about how we process your data or wish to revoke consent, simply send an email to:

The applicable law

The use of the internet is regulated, in Brazil, by the Marco Civil da Internet (Federal Law no. 12,965, of April 23, 2014), regulated by Decree no. 8,771, of May 11, 2016, and the processing of personal data is regulated by Federal Law no. 13,709, of August 14, 2018 (Personal Data Protection Law).

The LGPD is law no. 13,709, approved in August 2018 and effective from August 2020.